

Bel 112 bij een levensbedreigende situatie !

Bij overige spoedgevallen belt u tot 17 uur de praktijk : 020 737 14 26

Voor spoedgevallen in de avond / nacht / weekend kunt u contact opnemen met de huisartsenpost : 088 003 06 00

Huisartsenposten Amsterdam
Hoogte Kadijk 143 C
1018 BH Amsterdam


We are a modern practice that treats according to the latest scientifically proven insights, both 'hands-on'and 'hands-off'.


Because of our international work experience, we have a more comprehensive range of treatment options. Our treatments are one-on-one and focused on your personal goal. Treatment is longer than the national average, at 30 minutes each time. We have a network of healthcare professionals, which we utilize in complicated cases. 


We handle

  • All muscle and joint complaints
  • Headache symptoms
  • Stress related complaints
  • Spinal column complaints
  • Sports Injuries
  • (Chronic) disorders/diseases
  • Before and after your surgery


We also provide

  • Sports massage
  • Heat Therapy
  • Cryo-therapie
  • Relaxation massage
  • Traditional healing methods
  • Triggerpoint Therapy
  • Pediatric physiotherapy (for advice and support for newborns up to 2 years of age)

Communication precautions Covid-19 (coronavirus)

Starting Tuesday, September 1, 2020, you can come to us for regular care with the family doctor and physical therapists. There is no walk-in consultation hour. Treatment by appointment. We kindly request that when you come to the practice you come alone as much as possible and at the appointed time. If young children, 1 parent/guardian along.  We kindly request that when you come to the practice you come alone as much as possible and at the appointed time. If young children, 1 parent/guardian along.


This is how we keep the waiting time in our waiting room as short as possible and the number of concurrent patients as low as possible.For questions about the coronavirus, please refer to the website of ( you can click on the link below left ) . You are requested not to come to the practice with respiratory complaints and fever. If the complaints are severe, the doctor's assistant will assess the severity on the phone with you and offer appropriate help.


If you (or one of your housemates) have flu problems, please call the practice to cancel your appointment with a doctor or care provider.

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